Friday, January 28, 2011

Simple Ways to Boost Your Google Page Rank

If you're trying to increase your site's page rank, you should be aiming at a continual process rather than just doing something towards it once. This article will look at some tactics you can use right away to begin boosting your site's page rank.

Usually you'll find that most high traffic forums have a good page rank, which is exactly why you should be putting your effort into it. When you do this, your site will appear more credible and it will also get a higher page rank number due to all the back links you'll be getting with each post. However, make sure that you're avoiding all those forums that don't seem to have much traffic.

When you want to improve your page rank, it's important to think about your internal linking as well as getting lots of relevant back links. You can have a number of articles on your sites on different pages, which you can interlink to give your site the PR boosts. This also helps keep visitors on your site, as they are led from one article to another. Above all, it should now be painfully obvious that you need a high page rank if you want to rank well, but you also know some great ways to increase it. But it's important that you work at it all the time if you want great results.

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